
Dear Everybody,

Northampton Results:  A solitary win for the club, Gillian, Sue, Paul, and Stuart won Mixed Masters D quads.  Elspeth and her chum Eleanor (Elspeth rows at Keele, but is a member of Derwent, and they entered as a composite) were 0.9 off winning Band 2 Women’s doubles, which is as close as we got elsewhere.
On Sunday we had a newbie, Joe Cartwright (J12), who went off the string first go, and   Scarlett (a newbie last week) had her first go on floats (went well).  
I have received the following from British Rowing:
I am writing to congratulate you on being this years winner of the Safety Award at the British Rowing Volunteer and Coach of the Year Awards 2018. You have been awarded this in recognition of your significant contribution to safety in rowing, both at Derwent Rowing Club and nationally.
So I get a free lunch (note: there is no free lunch) at the Rowing Museum at Henley on Saturday 2nd Feb (Rob has agreed to cover for the day).  